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Make a real

Become a disability support worker


Disability support work is super meaningful mahi. You get to help others achieve the things that matter to them. It’s also really rewarding – because every day, you will be enabling people with disabilities to live lives they love.

Find a job you love

What are the vibes like?

But how can I add value?

Do you need experience?

How is this work meaningful?

But don’t you get bored?

Do you need qualifications?

Are the hours flexible?

The Mahi

Disability support roles can look quite different from each other. Your day-to-day mahi will depend on the person you are working alongside, the things they want help with, and how they like to spend their time. Most support work will focus on things like…


You might help people connect with their community through group activities like sport, choir, or book club!


Handy with a spatula? Support workers often shop for food, and help plan and make meals.

Home help

You might lend a hand with tidying, cleaning, laundry, and life admin.


Always down for chats? You and your client might head to the park, catch the latest romcom, or knuckle down to a Rocket League marathon.

Personal care

You might help the person you support get showered, dressed, and looking fab in the morning – or ready for bed in the evening.


Disability support workers sometimes drive their clients to work, appointments, and catch-ups.


“We love to vibe! Testing new recipes and trying new things.”

“I love helping Kylee with her photography – it brings us together.”

“We love doing carpool karaoke. Free show for anyone who drives by!"

“Molly makes the most delicious pastries. I’m definitely the sous chef!”

“You get to develop a one on one connection with someone”

“He loves sailing - just getting outside and being on the ocean.”


Most support work is flexible, and can fit around whatever else you have going on. You don’t need qualifications to get started – some jobs don’t require them, and others may help you get qualified as you work.

You don’t need experience to get started, either. If you love people, like a good laugh, are kind and quick to notice what others need – you’ll be great.

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